Post 532 Port Fairy

Port Fairy

No sign of the mutton birds on Griffith Island but came across this Pied Oyster Picker.

Port Fairy

Pied Oyster Picker - is she nesting?

Port Fairy

Wharf along the Moyne River at Port Fairy.

Post 531 Portland Blowholes.

Portland Blowholes

The weather was pretty rough - windy and wet. We could hear the air moving in and out from somewhere but the tide was not right to see any big spumes at the blowhole.

Portland Blowholes

Once again the see was rough and spectacular.

Portland Blowholes

We drove past lots of wind turbines in South Australia. Here at the blowholes the turbines were pretty close.

Portland Blowholes

Most of them were in service.

Post 530 8 Mile Creek

8 Mile Creek

An almost English scene as the crystal clear water of the creek flow under the bridge and beside the brick house.

8 Mile Creek

The water flows into the sea here.

8 Mile Creek

Kelp washed up on the beach.

8 Mile Creek

Rainbow - a break in the weather? No your right it wasn't.

Post 529 Victor Harbour to Cape Jaffa

Coorong National Park - Murray River Mouth.

The sand dune to the right of Ann is the bank of the mouth of the Murray River - and yes it was raining windy and cold.

Wellington Ferry

The Murray River is much more impressive at Wellington than the mouth. The main road utilises this ferry. The fuel tanker fitted on but we had to wait of the ferry to go over and back.

Cape Jaffa

The weather was still pretty crap when we got to Cape Jaffa or overnight destination.

Cape Jaffa

Cormorants camped out on the end of the jetty. I didn't walk out to the end as there is only a shonky hand rail on one side, the wet timber was slippery and it was very windy.

Cape Jaffa

The beach at Cape Jaffa.

Cape Jaffa

I was looking forward to finding the Cape Jaffa Light House ruins. Turns out the actual light house used to be on a platform out to see. There were three lighthouse keepers. Two lived on the platform for two months while the third stayed on the mainland in one of these houses. So the ruins are the remains of the mainland lighthouse keeper cottages.