Post 245 Mungerannie

October 10, 2020



This is what we looked like when we got to Mungerannie. We were lucky to get there. They had more rain here and along the road than Maree. The road was extremely slippery and dangerous. The back end of Clifford kept wanting to become the front end.


As the road to Birdsville was closed we were here for a few days. There were two other couples stranded with us. They had a very similar experienced coming from Birdsville in that it hadn't rained in Birdsville and in the beginning the road was good. They also were very glad to see  Mungerannie.

I had time to play around and take some night photos.

These old trucks were abandoned along the track. At least one of then belonged to Tom Kruse the legendary Maree to Birdsville mailman.


Unfortunately for us the sleeper walls of this spar pool had started to collapse and it is no longer in use.


I am not sure when Maccas will get here, but I am sure it will put Mungerannie on the map when it does.


The door of one of the old trucks with the name of Tom Cruze - legendary mail man on the Birdsville when it was even less than a track.


Last night star trails.



The complete crew here for the few days.

Post 246 Mungerannie to Birdsville

October 11, 2020


This rock formation is off the road just north of Mungerannie. It sure looks like a meteor crater to me.


Mitta Mitta Bore

While on private property and fenced the hot water from the bore is visible from the "track"


Yep we did make it to Birdsville.

Post 247 Birdsville to Boulia

October 15, 2020


We did try and book an expensive long flight down to lake Eyre from Birdsville. Yes they were still doing flights but tomorrow's flight was full and it didn't look like they had enough interest to run another one in the next couple of days. We hit the road and headed on up to Boulia.

I had threatened last time we were out here that I would camp at the Carcoory ruins and play around with star shots over the ruins. No that didn't happen this time either.

Vaughan Johnson Lookout

"Clifford" at the Vaughan Johnson Lookout on the road up to Boulia. Our destination was the Diamantina Lakes National Park but we got fuel and did a "shop" in Boulia first

Post 248 Diamantina Lakes National Park

October 15, 2020

Elizabeth Springs

We had a look at Elizabeth Springs on the way into the National Park. We couldn't find a real spring. The best I could do was some wet areas on the top of some of the mounds but it didn't flow anywhere and was quickly soaked up.

Elizabeth Springs

In it's own way the dry gibber plain we parked on was more impressive.

Gumhole campground

The water hole was full, it had obviously been overflowing over the road recently. As the lady at the min min centre in Boulia had said the sites here were pretty small, and not suitable for large caravans. We did check out the other campground later on and seeing we are small this is or preferred campground.

Whistling Kite Nest.

At first I didn't think this nest was occupied. It was only by using the binoculars that we saw this almost fully fledged chick.

Whistling Kite Chick

Gum Hole Waterhole

Sunset over the waterhole.

Gum Hole Campground

Night - no moon yet. Time to play with some star shots.

Post 249 Cattle Yards – Diamantina Lakes National Park

October 15, 2020

Cattle Yards

There are two sets of yards near the campground. These steel yards within walking distance and another older set further away down a track that has some deep ruts from the rain a couple of weeks ago.