Post 388 Eliot Falls, Twin Falls

Ian Collard
July 27, 2021

Twin Falls

We didn't manage to get to Twin Falls and Eliott Falls last time we were up. The deep creek crossing that stopped us last time now has a concrete causeway but don't let that fool you the entry is still pretty gnarly.

The pool in front of Twin Falls is excellent for swimming can touch the whole time sandy bottom. Ann and Clara really enjoyed it.

Twin Falls

Twin Falls

Eliott Falls

Eliott Falls

Closer to the falls. This is where the more adventurous swim with people jumping off the top into the pool below.

Eliott Falls

The top of the falls.

Post 389 Canal Creek

Ian Collard
July 27, 2021

Canal Creek

To access the falls we camped at Canal Creek. Not a lot of room but we had a comfortable night. What happened to Hans and Di?

This is the actual crossing on the Telegraph Track. Lots of holes in the rock and while not visible there is a jump up at the end  of the exit of that was causing problems.

As in most crossings there was and easier route but it involved deeper water.

Canal Creek

Just upstream from the crossing the creek is even more beautiful.

Canal Creek

Canal Creek

Canal Creek

Canal Creek

I had seen these carnivorous pitcher plants at Fruit Bat Falls but they were even more prolific here at Canal Creek.

Post 390 Thursday Island

Ian Collard
July 27, 2021

Horn Island

The first island of our three island tour was Horn Island. A very good small muesuen dedicated to both the local Torris Strait Islander people and the World War Two era. If we were not part of a tour could have spent much more time there.

This croc was standing guard along the mudflats leading to the jetty.

Thursday Island

Looking back toward the mainland from Green Hill fort.

Green Hill Fort

First constructed in the 1890's to defend Australia from the Russians. I am not sure when these guns were installed but a lot later than 1890. Again being on a tour we didn't have time to both read the signage and take photos.

Thursday Island

The Customs House still in use and still has the same function as it is now the base for Border Force operations.

Thursday Island.

Yes they are actual holes in the hull of the boat. This boat is used to keep the crays alive. The partially submerged tinny is simply towed around full of captured crays.

Crayfish Pie

The pie was tasted even better because to was one of only two and I won it in a raffle on the boat. Strange that I chose to have a drink from the other end of Australia with it.

Shopping on TI was much better that on the mainland. TI has a population of about 3000 and supports a further 3000 on adjacent islands. I picked up a D shackle for Roderick that he couldn't get on the mainland and an inverter.


Roku Island

Disembarking at Roku Island for a cup of tea or beverage from the bar. Roku used to be a Pearl Farm but today is concentrating on a couple of Glamping tents and fishing tours.

Post 391 Loyality Beach

Ian Collard
July 27, 2021

Loyality Beach

The end of a different day. We woke this morning to find the passenger door ajar and the inside of the car having been gone through and Ann's wallet missing.

Turns out we weren't the only ones and a group had been in the park several times during the night looking for anything they could pinch.

After talking to a detective this morning and then waiting for a forensic team all day  we went through the car properly and while things had been disturbed we found the wallet and cash. 🙂


Loyality Beach

We had a powered site but not right on the beach. When we arrived we did have uninterrupted sea views but that didn't last long as other campers set up on the beach.

Post 392 The Tip

Ian Collard
July 31, 2021

The Tip

We did make it to the tip even if a day late. It did mean that we were by ourselves and not with the others.

The Tip

Iphone panorama at the tip.

The Tip

Surely the most northerly permanent survey mark on mainland Australia.