Post 341 Waddamana Hydro Station

Ian Collard
March 12, 2021

Central Highlands -Waddamana Power Station

Tasmania has had a much longer history with Hydro than I thought. The first two gen sets at Wannamana were operation in 1916 and Tasmania has had en expanding Hydro Generation industry ever since.

Central Highlands -Waddamana Power Station

The now decommissioned stations have been refurbished as a very good static display. One of of the original machines has been set up with the covers off both he peloton wheel and generator.

Central Highlands -Waddamana Power Station

Pretty flash for a control room.

Central Highlands -Waddamana Power Station

One of the original lathes in the workshop - driven by overhead belts.

Post 342 Hardings Falls

Ian Collard
March 12, 2021

Hardings Falls

On the way down to Bicheno we had a look at Hardings Falls. It was a bit of a scramble down to the bottom.

Hardings Falls

Hardings Falls

A young couple were down here as well. They did go for a swim but even they didn't stay in for very long.

Hardings Falls

Post 343 Bicheno

Ian Collard
March 15, 2021


Yep the van park is called Sea View and yes this is the view from our front door.


The Gulch. The small bit of water between the island and the mainland. Used to be used to export coal. Now some small fishing vessels. a glass bottom boat which we did not ask about and a couple of fish and chip shops.


Some of the red lichen on the rocks.


Sunrise at the Blowhole.


Yes it was blowing.


Yes I took more than one photo.


My pick, but I still have a heap more to choose form.

Post 344 Apsley Waterhole

Ian Collard
March 15, 2021

Bicheno - Apsley water hole

A very nice "swimming" hole just out of Bicheno. Swimming is in inverted commas as the water was very cold. My photography doesn't do justice to the colour and clarity of the water. Polaroid filter?

Post 344 Ben Lomond

Ian Collard
March 15, 2021

Ben Lomond National Park

We had driven through light rain to get to our camp. The rain has now eased but we are in the clouds.

Ben Lomond National Park

As the sun set the mist/cloud lit up this yellow colour.

We were very excited as not long after this we saw a couple of Quolls.

Ben Lomond National Park

Of course we had to drive Jacobs Ladder to get to  the top. This is someone else coming up.

Ben Lomond National Park

One coming down one going up. As long as you watch what is happening there are safe place to pass.

Ben Lomond National Park

Going down.

Ben Lomond National Park

At the top.