Post 386 Bramwell Roadhouse – Old Telegraph Track

Ian Collard
July 22, 2021


The sunsetting behind one of the large ant hills in front of the Bramwell Roadhouse.

The Old Telegraph Track

I rode my bike along the track to Palm Creek so I feel I can take a photo with my bike leaning against the sign.

The Old Telegraph Track - Palm Creek

Dropping into the original Palm Creek crossing - sensibly  being lowered in by his mate.

The Old Telegraph Track - Palm Creek

The Old Telegraph Track - Palm Creek

Unfortunately the Hilux got stuck in the bottom and had to be winched back out.

The Old Telegraph Track - Palm Creek

This is the tack that most people were using. It had an easy entry but into a hole that had water over waste deep and then this exit.

The Old Telegraph Track - Palm Creek

The Old Telegraph Track - Palm Creek

Nissan Patrol on the popular exit.

Fortunately Roderick found a shallow entry even if it had a steeper entry and then a drive along the creek bed to an easier exit. We were across Palm Creek and off along the southern section of the tele track.